There has been a dramatic shift in occlusal philosophy in the treatment of cranial facial pain, TMD, and jaw orthopedics. Pro-Art has always maintained its position on the leading edge of emerging dental technologies. We support you by mounting your cases on the Accu-Liner instrument, and by providing a range of diagnostic and treatment appliances.

Occlusal Management
Occlusal Management measures and determines the optimal position of the jaw. Once determined, the jaw position is corrected with the use of an orthotic (a virtually invisible appliance that fits over the top of the lower teeth, gently repositioning the jaw). The orthotic is a removable or fixed appliance that artificially builds up the patient’s bite to a comfortable resting position.
After the orthotic has been worn for several weeks to several months, the jaw naturally drops into its most comfortable position. Only then can the doctor begin to restore the bite. He will use beautiful porcelain restorations that can raise or lower the bite to achieve the most comfortable jaw position. With this correction, patients experience decreased or eliminated pain and discomfort, and better overall health.
We support you by mounting your cases on the Accu-Liner instrument, and by providing a range of diagnostic appliances:
- Carlson Diagnostic Appliance
- Soft Pivot Appliance

Permanent Orthotic Splints
Hard orthotic splints can be used to alleviate pain caused by imbalance in the bite without restoring all of the teeth. In some cases, a patient may benefit from the neuromuscular splint therapy and may choose to continue to wear a splint rather than restore all of the teeth to a corrected bite. This method will not only assist in correct positioning of the jaw but will also prevent the wear of teeth (Bruxism) similar to a night guard.
We support you by mounting your cases on the Accu-Liner instrument, and by providing a range of treatment appliances:
- ALF Twin Block Appliance
- Thong Appliance
- King Thong Appliance
- King Thong Crystabol Process
- Overlay Orthotic Crystabol Process
- Eclipse Orthotic
- Thermoflex Orthotic